The requirements for transmission and coupling elements are rising continuously. Our previous investigations were focused on the elimination of viscous induced drag-torques in coupling elements based on magnetorheological fluids by a MR-fluid movement control. For a further reduction of weight and space requirements a design of a magnetic circuit with a serpentine flux guidance was introduced last year. For a further enhancement of the torque density a design based on multiple shear gaps is proposed in this contribution. Due to the MR-fluid movement control using partially filled shear gaps a simple arrangement of several coaxial shear gaps is not applicable. Instead, each shear gap has to be separated by a novel MR-fluid sealing, which allows also a drag- torque free operation above certain rotational speeds. Combining these features result in a MRF-based coupling element with an enhanced torque density at simultaneously reduced drag-torque.
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Christian Hegger and Jürgen Maas, "Torque enhancement possibilities for energy-efficient MRF-based coupling elements," Proc. SPIE 10595, Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems XII, 1059531 (Presented at SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring: March 09, 2018; Published: 16 March 2018);