From Event: SPIE Defense + Security, 2018
Space laser systems are widely used in communication, altimeter and Doppler radar. UV laser, which possesses high spectral resolution and provides with the detection of the parallel polarized molecular (Rayleigh) and particle (Mie) backscattered signals has promising use in atmosphere detection and Doppler radar. No orbiting satellite carrying with 355nm laser has yet been launched owing to the laser induced damage of coatings. Coatings for spaceborne laser system are widely used in spacecraft with laser system to improve the transmittance of the optical system and to adjust the laser beams. An effective way to improve the lifetime of the coatings and the resistance to the environment is to increase laser induced damage threshold (LIDT). The subsurface damage (SSD) of the substrate is one of the major harmful factors in laser induced damage. In our study, 355nm high-reflection (HR) and anti-reflective (AR) coatings deposited by dual-ion beam sputtering (DIBS) were stable and showed lit
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Kesheng Guo, Jianda Shao, Yangzhi Wang, Meiping Zhu, Jia Liu, Ruiyi Chen, Kui Yi, and Hongbo He, "Laser-Induced damage properties of 355nm space coatings (Conference Presentation)," Proc. SPIE 10636, Laser Radar Technology and Applications XXIII, 106360W (Presented at SPIE Defense + Security: April 18, 2018; Published: 14 May 2018);