From Event: SPIE Defense + Security, 2018
We report on a 2 μm master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) fiber laser system capable of producing 700 μJ pulse energies from a single 1.5 m long amplifier. The oscillator is a single-mode, thulium-doped fiber that is Q-switched by an acousto-optic modulator. The oscillator seeds the amplifier with 1 W average power at 20 kHz repetition rate. The power amplifier is a polarization-maintaining, large mode area thulium-doped fiber cladding pumped by a 793 nm fiber-coupled diode. The fiber length is minimized to avoid nonlinearities during amplification while simultaneously enabling high energy extraction. The system delivers 700 μJ pulse energies with 114 ns pulse duration and 14 W average power at 1977 nm center wavelength.
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Ali Abdulfattah, Alex Sincore, Joshua Bradford, Nathan Bodnar, Justin Cook, Lawrence Shah, and Martin Richardson, "700 μJ, 100 ns, 20 kHz pulses from a 1.5 m Thulium-doped fiber amplifier," Proc. SPIE 10637, Laser Technology for Defense and Security XIV, 106370I (Presented at SPIE Defense + Security: April 18, 2018; Published: 4 May 2018);