From Event: SPIE Defense + Security, 2018
Optical amplification of a mid-IR laser using a Co2+ :CdTe amplifier was attempted by a double-pass technique. A 2.825 μm pump source was used to amplify a 3.780 μm seed source through the gain medium. Of transition-metal-doped chalcogenide lasers, iron (Fe2+) and chromium (Cr2+) have emerged as practical sources of tunable mid-infrared radiation, while cobalt (Co2+) still remains comparatively unexplored. The initial observations of directly pumping into the 4T2 energy level are reported and discussed to better understand the potential of Co:CdTe as a mid-infrared gain medium.
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Eric J. Turner, Sean McDaniel, and Jonathan Evans, "Performance evaluation of Co2+ :CdTe as an optical gain medium," Proc. SPIE 10637, Laser Technology for Defense and Security XIV, 106370W (Presented at SPIE Defense + Security: April 18, 2018; Published: 4 May 2018);