From Event: SPIE Defense + Security, 2018
For applications where a sensor’s image includes the celestial background, stars and Solar System Bodies compromise the ability of the sensor system to correctly classify a target. Such false targets are particularly significant for the detection of weak target signatures which only have a small relative angular motion. The detection of celestial features is well established in the visible spectral band. However, given the increasing sensitivity and low noise afforded by emergent infrared focal plane array technology together with larger and more efficient optics, the signatures of celestial features can also impact performance at infrared wavelengths. A methodology has been developed which allows the rapid generation of celestial signatures in any required spectral band using star data from star catalogues and other open-source information. Within this paper, the radiometric calculations are presented to determine the irradiance values of stars and planets in any spectral band.
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Duncan L. Hickman, Moira I. Smith, Jae-Wan Lim, and Yun-Ho Jeon, "Modelling of celestial backgrounds," Proc. SPIE 10641, Sensors and Systems for Space Applications XI, 1064102 (Presented at SPIE Defense + Security: April 16, 2018; Published: 2 May 2018);