From Event: SPIE Defense + Security, 2018
Affected by launching process and space environment, the response capability of a space camera must be attenuated. So it is necessary for a space camera to have a spaceborne radiant calibration. In this paper, we propose a method of calibration based on accurate Infrared standard stars was proposed for increasing infrared radiation measurement precision. As stars can be considered as a point target, we use them as the radiometric calibration source and establish the Taylor expansion method and the energy extrapolation model based on WISE catalog and 2MASS catalog. Then we update the calibration results from black body. Finally, calibration mechanism is designed and the technology of design is verified by on orbit test. The experimental calibration result shows the irradiance extrapolation error is about 3% and the accuracy of calibration methods is about 10%, the results show that the methods could satisfy requirements of on orbit calibration.
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YuDu Wang, XiaoFeng Su, WanYing Zhang, and FanSheng Chen, "Research on camera on orbit radial calibration based on black body and infrared calibration stars," Proc. SPIE 10641, Sensors and Systems for Space Applications XI, 1064105 (Presented at SPIE Defense + Security: April 16, 2018; Published: 2 May 2018);