From Event: SPIE Defense + Security, 2018
In this paper, we consider use of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) to provide absolute platform position information in scenarios where GPS signals may be degraded, jammed, or spoofed. Two algorithms are presented, and both leverage known 3D ground structure in an area of interest, e.g. provided by LIDAR data, to provide georeferenced position information to airborne SAR platforms. The first approach is based on the wide-aperture layover properties of elevated reflectors, while the second approach is based on correlating backprojected imagery with digital elevation imagery. Building on 3D backprojection, localization solutions result from non-convex optimization problems based on image sharpness or correlation measures. Results using measured GOTCHA data demonstrate localization errors of only a few meters with initial uncertainty regions as large as 16 km2.
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Zachary Reid and Josh N. Ash, "Leveraging 3D models for SAR-based navigation in GPS-denied environments," Proc. SPIE 10647, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXV, 106470H (Presented at SPIE Defense + Security: April 19, 2018; Published: 27 April 2018);