From Event: SPIE Photonics Europe, 2018
We propose octagonal quasi-crystal designs providing effective light confinement for different resonance frequencies through the structural modification with the utilization of low-symmetric photonic unit cells. The effect of rotational symmetry reduction on the cavity resonance appearing in the corresponding photonic bandgap of each structure has been investigated. Relatively small dielectric cylinders have been additionally located at discrete angular positions with particular distances from the center of the each core cylinder and the noteworthy resonance peaks have been observed to emerge in the bandgaps. Rotational symmetry of the proposed structures is to be modified by varying the angular displacement of the smaller quasi-crystalline rods with the angle θ in terms of the x-axis of the small rod. The successful demonstration of tunable resonance modes has been achieved numerically and experimentally for the first time by tailoring the positional parameters and reducing the crystalline symmetry. Strongly localized modes in the proposed quasi-crystals have great potential for various slow light applications along with other technologies such as sensors, lasers and memory units.
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D. Yilmaz, M. Tutgun, and H. Kurt, "Strong light confinement of tunable resonances in low symmetric quasicrystal through orientational variations," Proc. SPIE 10672, Nanophotonics VII, 106720E (Presented at SPIE Photonics Europe: April 23, 2018; Published: 4 May 2018);