From Event: SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, 2018
Recent work with the NESSI speckle camera at Kitt Peak and the 'Alopeke speckle camera at Gemini-North indicates that speckle data reduction techniques can be successfully modified to produce high-resolution images over fields that are at least tens of arc seconds across. While these wide-field speckle image reconstructions are not diffraction-limited, the improvement in resolution over the seeing-limited case can be substantial. In this paper, we explore the application of these techniques to data taken with a small (0.6-m) telescope in an urban environment. Many telescopes located in urban communities, such as New Haven, Connecticut, where Southern Connecticut State University resides, have limited use scientifically due to substantial light pollution, poor seeing, poor telescope tracking, and other issues. We will present initial data using our set-up and discuss the potential for this approach for improving the imaging capabilities of small telescopes on our campus and beyond.
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Nicole M. Granucci and Elliott P. Horch, "Wide-field speckle techniques for small, urban telescopes," Proc. SPIE 10701, Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VI, 1070110 (Presented at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation: June 12, 2018; Published: 9 July 2018);