From Event: SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, 2018
Adaptive Optics (AO) systems aim at detecting and correcting for optical distortions induced by atmospheric turbulences. The Gemini Multi Conjugated AO System GeMS is operational and regularly used for science observations since 2013 delivering close to diffraction limit resolution over a large field of view. GeMS entered this year into a new era. The laser system has been upgraded from the old 50W Lockheed Martin Coherent Technologies (LMCT) pulsed laser to the Toptica 20/2W CW SodiumStar laser. The laser has been successfully commissioned and is now used regularly in operation. In this paper we first review the performance obtained with the instrument. I will go then into the details of the commissioning of the Toptica laser and show the improvements obtained in term of acquisition, stability, reliability and performance.
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Gaetano Sivo, Eduardo Marin, François Rigaut, Marcos van Dam, Vincent Garrel, Benoit Neichel, Cristian Moreno, Emmanuel Chirre, Constanza Araujo, Allen Hankla, Gabriel Perez, Pablo Diaz, Angelic Ebbers, Paul Collins, Vicente Vergara, Paul Hirst, Morten Andersen, Joy Chavez, Lindsay Magill, Christine Cunningham, Ariel Lopez, Jeff Donahue, Rodrigo Carrasco, Gianluca Lombardi, Vanessa Montes, Michiel van der Hoeven, René Rutten, Scot Kleinman, and Manuel Lazo, "An infusion of new blood using the Toptica laser with GeMS: results of the commissioning and science performance," Proc. SPIE 10703, Adaptive Optics Systems VI, 107030P (Presented at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation: June 11, 2018; Published: 10 July 2018);