From Event: SPIE Nanoscience + Engineering, 2018
Metasurfaces have been used for light manipulation and control, from the point of view of planar optics or polarization control, or non-linear light extraction. The properties of metasurfaces is rooted in the presence of resonant basic elements which are responsible for strongly confined electromagnetic surface modes. We propose to use these modes to enhance light-matter interaction in the vicinity of the surface by considering hybrid structure made of a thin layer, such as a 2D quantum material or a thin film with embedded quantum dots. A semi-classical theory will be proposed along with some functionalities attainable with the device.
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Didier Felbacq and Emmanuel Rousseau, "Strong light-matter coupling in a quantum metasurface," Proc. SPIE 10721, Active Photonic Platforms X, 1072128 (Presented at SPIE Nanoscience + Engineering: August 23, 2018; Published: 19 September 2018);