From Event: SPIE Nanoscience + Engineering, 2018
Molybdenum disulfide has recently emerged as a promising two-dimensional semiconducting material for nano-electronic, opto-electronic and spintronic applications. However, the demonstration of an electron spin transport through a semiconducting MoS2 channel remains challenging. Here we show the evidence of the electrical spin injection and detection in the conduction band of a multilayer MoS2 semiconducting channel using a two-terminal spin-valve configuration geometry. A magnetoresistance around 1% has been observed through a 450 nm long, 6 monolayer thick MoS2 channel with a Co/MgO tunnelling spin injector and detector [1]. It is found that keeping a good balance between the interface resistance and channel resistance is mandatory for the observation of the two-terminal magnetoresistance. Moreover, the electron spin-relaxation is found to be greatly suppressed in the multilayer MoS2 channel with an in-plane spin polarization. The long spin diffusion length (approximately 235 nm) could open a new avenue for spintronic applications using multilayer transition metal dichalcogenides. In this talk, we will present the main issues of the spin-injection problem at ferromagnet/Tunnel barrier/MoS2 interfaces as well as the spin-propagation in multilayered channel like played by MoS2 involving Schottky depletion layers giving thus an extension to earlier modeling of spin-injection in ferromagnet/ssource/ferromagnet systems [2-3].
[1] Shiheng Liang et al., Nat. Comm. 8, 14947 (2017)
[2] A. Fert, H. Jaffrès, Phys Rev B64, 184420, 2001
[3] A. Fert, J.-M. George, H. Jaffrès, R. Mattana, IEEE, 54, 921-932 (2007)
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Henri Jaffrès, Jean-Marie George, Shiheng Liang, Huaiwen Yang, Bingshan Tao, Stefan McMurtry, Sébastien Petit Watelot, Stephane Mangin, Pierre Renucci, Xavier Marie, and Yuan Lu, "Electrical spin injection and detection in molybdenum disulfide multilayer channel (Conference Presentation)," Proc. SPIE 10732, Spintronics XI, 1073227 (Presented at SPIE Nanoscience + Engineering: August 22, 2018; Published: 18 September 2018);