From Event: SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, 2018
The ultimate goal of dark ray optics" is to control and manipulate the trajectories of phase singularities -i.e., day rays- in an analogous way as we deal with ordinary rays. The development of these analogies requires an adequate mathematical description. We will describe the fundamental concepts of this mathematical approach by emphasizing the essential role played by the symmetry properties of the optical elements used to manipulate highly charged or multi-singular Gaussian beams. We will unveil the nontrivial connections between discrete symmetry, OAM and the topological properties of these beams embedding nontrivial dark ray structures.
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Albert Ferrando and M. A. García-March, "Symmetry, topology, and dark-ray optics," Proc. SPIE 10744, Laser Beam Shaping XVIII, 1074403 (Presented at SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications: August 20, 2018; Published: 14 September 2018);