From Event: SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, 2018
“NASA’s Mars 2020 mission … rover is being designed to seek signs of past life on Mars, collect and store a set of soil and rock samples that could be returned to Earth in the future.”1 The Mars 2020 Project has a top-level requirement that soil and rock samples contain less than 10 ppb Total Organic Carbon (TOC) of terrestrial
origin 2. The approach taken to meet this requirement is to identify and model for each Mars 2020 mission phase the TOC sources, model TOC transport from sources to sample contacting surfaces, and combine them into an end-to-end model that calculates the TOC in each sample during the mission. The calculations show that Mars 2020 can achieve the TOC sample cleanliness requirement because the project has adopted specific TOC mitigations strategies.
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Ira Katz, Mark S. Anderson, Lauren M. White, Paul A. Boeder, and William A. Hoey, "Mars 2020 sample cleanliness molecular transport model," Proc. SPIE 10748, Systems Contamination: Prediction, Control, and Performance 2018, 107480A (Presented at SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications: August 20, 2018; Published: 19 September 2018);