From Event: SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, 2018
A resonant wavelength detection system based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance (GGP-GMR) filter and a linear charge-coupled device is demonstrated. The GGP-GMR used in this work consists of a subwavelength grating structure with a grating period varying from 250–550 nm in increments of 2 nm. We successfully demonstrate that by using this system, we can monitor the shift in a biosensor’s dip wavelength caused by different sucrose concentrations. This technology has the potential to replace a bulky and expensive spectrometer used in most optical biosensor systems. Given its compactness, the system can be integrated with lab-on-a-chip systems for numerous biosensing applications.
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Chih-Wei Chang, Shi-Ting Chen, Yen-Chieh Wang, and Cheng-Sheng Huang, "Resonant wavelength shift detection system based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter," Proc. SPIE 10755, Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications XII, 107550K (Presented at SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications: August 20, 2018; Published: 4 September 2018);