From Event: SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, 2018
A KHz Pulsed Laser Detection System was developed employing the concept of charge integration with an electrometer, in the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 618 Calibration Lab for the purpose of using the pulsed lasers for radiometric calibration. Comparing with traditional trans-impedance (current-voltage conversion) detection systems, the prototype of this system consists of a UV-Enhanced Si detector head, a computer controlled shutter system and a synchronized electrometer. The preliminary characterization work employs light sources running in either CW or pulsed mode. We believe this system is able to overcome the saturation issue when a traditional trans-impedance detection system is used with the pulsed laser light source, especially with high peak-power pulsed lasers operating at kilohertz repetition rates (e.g. Ekspla laser or KHz OPO). The charge integration mechanism is also expected to improve the stability of measurements for a pulsed laser light source overcoming the issue of peak-to-peak stability. We will present the system characterizations including signal-to-noise ratio and uncertainty analysis and compare results against traditional trans-impedance detection systems.
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Leibo Ding, James J. Butler, Jinan Zeng, Elaine N. Lalanne, and John W. Cooper, "Characterizations of a KHz pulsed laser detection system," Proc. SPIE 10764, Earth Observing Systems XXIII, 1076407 (Presented at SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications: August 21, 2018; Published: 7 September 2018);