From Event: SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, 2018
Teledyne has a well-established heritage of supplying sensors for Earth observation space missions. Since early involvement in the SPOT satellites and Envisat, the French and UK Teledyne 2v sites have continued to develop sensors for Earth observation satellite suppliers and space agencies. For high-resolution imaging, panchromatic and multispectral TDI CCDs have been developed as the main sensors for the PLEIADES satellites and subsequent follow on Earth-imaging missions. The latest TDI CCD developed in combination with the ESA Enhanced CCD Design and Process ESCC Evaluation is presented, the CCD283-00 has 8μm anti-blooming pixels, multi-TDI stage integration time selection and multiple outputs for fast line advance time up to 5 kHz at 10 MHz pixel readout. The next generation of CMOS TDI sensors under design are described, with on-chip charge domain signal TDI combined with CMOS on-chip digital outputs. For Earth science, Teledyne e2v is a major contributor to the Copernicus Programme, successfully packaging and testing Sentinel-2 CMOS sensors and delivery of Sentinel-3 CCDs. For the recently launched Sentnel-5P TROPOMI hyperspectral imaging instrument, a custom CCD275 sensor was designed. Details are presented describing the improved radiation hardness, fast frame transfer design for up to 750ns per line and high UV and NIR quantum efficiency. For the next generation MTG and MetOp satellites, an overview is given of the Sentinel-4 UVN spectrometer, the Sentinel-5 UVNS and 3MI CCD sensors. Customised CMOS sensors specifically designed for space by Teledyne-e2v are in development for the MTG FCI and for MetOp. Details and progress are presented.
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I. Swindells and D. Morris, "Electro-optical sensors for Earth observation missions," Proc. SPIE 10764, Earth Observing Systems XXIII, 1076409 (Presented at SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications: August 21, 2018; Published: 7 September 2018);