From Event: SPIE Remote Sensing, 2018
This study presents an overview of the recently results obtained by a novel concept of a lidar to remotely monitor methane and volatile organic compound including aerosols and fugitive gas emissions from pipelines, waste disposal areas and tankages. The system works based on Raman and fluorescence scattering principles by emission of a 355 nm beam (3rd Nd:YAG harmonic) and detection of the wavelengths at 355 nm (elastic), 353 nm (oxygen + nitrogen rotational Raman) and 396 nm (methane vibrational Raman) and alternatively the system can be switched to a uorescence lidar based on a 32-channel PMT coupled to an spectrometer to be able to observe fluorescence scattering caused by VOC's and aerosols. This paper shows a summary of the results obtained in the preliminary campaigns, which were carried out under different conditions to be adopted as benchmark for the system performance regarding detection limits, calibration capabilities, and time vs range resolution, in order to optimize the system performance.
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Eduardo Landulfo, Roberto Guardani, Fernanda M. Macedo, Renata F. da Costa, Antonio G. Arleques, Mikhail Korenskii, and Igor Veselovskii, "A novel lidar system for CH4 and VOC's detection of fugitive emissions and environmental monitoring," Proc. SPIE 10791, Lidar Technologies, Techniques, and Measurements for Atmospheric Remote Sensing XIV, 107910B (Presented at SPIE Remote Sensing: September 11, 2018; Published: 9 October 2018);