From Event: SPIE Security + Defence, 2018
In recent years, communication has become in something common thanks to the use of the Internet. The exchange of information occurs between users around the world with great ease, leaving vulnerable the security, confidentiality, integrity and veracity characteristics of what is exchanged, due to this it has become a necessity to have tools that facilitate exchange of information of interest through non-secure digital media, but allowing only the parties involved to understand what is being exchanged. One of the techniques most used today to achieve this goal is steganography, this allows you to hide data or objects inside others, called carriers, in such a way that you ignore the presence of what you want to transmit. Currently, different types of carrier objects are used, such as audio files, images or videos. When using images as carrier objects, various techniques are used according to the domain (spatial or frequency) in which the concealment is made. By combining both domains it is possible to obtain an adaptive concealment process according to the nature of the carrier image. To perform steganography in images it is necessary to recognize the specific regions in which the new information can be added, also known as the Possible Insertion Region (PIR). In the present work the use of a new steganographic algorithm based on the use of the wavelet transform for the concealment of information in images is addressed.
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Manuel A. Díaz-Casco, Blanca E. Carvajal-Gámez, David Araujo-Díaz, and Francisco J. Gallegos-Funes, "Process of hiding information in images based on the use of the fourth wavelet moment," Proc. SPIE 10799, Emerging Imaging and Sensing Technologies for Security and Defence III; and Unmanned Sensors, Systems, and Countermeasures, 1079909 (Presented at SPIE Security + Defence: September 12, 2018; Published: 4 October 2018);