From Event: SPIE BiOS, 2019
In this talk, I introduce high-throughput intelligence-powered image-activated cell sorting or an “imaging” version of fluorescence-activated cell sorting [Cell 175, 1 (2018)] that realizes real-time image-based intelligent cell sorting at an unprecedented rate of ~100 events per second. This technology integrates high-speed cell microscopy, focusing, and sorting methods on rapid hybrid software-hardware data-management infrastructure, enabling real-time automated operation for data acquisition, data processing, decision-making, and actuation. I present two unique applications in microbiology and hematology enabled by the technology and discuss how technology enables machine-based scientific discovery in diverse biological and medical sciences.
© (2019) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Nao Nitta, Takeaki Sugimura, Yoichiroh Hosokawa, Sotaro Uemura, Yasuyuki Ozeki, and Keisuke Goda, "High-throughput image-activated cell sorting with intelligence (Conference Presentation)," Proc. SPIE 10889, High-Speed Biomedical Imaging and Spectroscopy IV, 108890R (Presented at SPIE BiOS: February 03, 2019; Published: 4 March 2019);