From Event: SPIE LASE, 2019
Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (YAG) crystals doped with Erbium have posed an interesting position in the field of rare earth solid state lasers as they possess the property of self-saturation, in which the upper energy level in a laser has a much shorter lifetime than that of the lower level.The non-linear energy transfer dynamics of Er:YAG are modeled under high resonant pump conditions. Specifically the multi-photon effect known as excited state absorption (ESA) is modeled by measuring the cross section in a single crystal Er:YAG sample utilizing a pump and probe technique. The measured ESA cross section is then included in the rate equation modeling that has typically been ignored such an effect when modeling the non-linear ion to ion interactions. By pumping with selective resonant pumps, the interaction dynamics of the upper and the lower laser levels in the Erbium ion reveal the contributions of the non-linear energy transfer mechanisms towards the populations of the levels respectively. This thesis work shows the added accuracy of the rate equation modeling by its inclusion of the measured ESA cross-section and its effect on the population evolution in the Er:YAG system. The model will be tested with measurements made with select Er:YAG crystals being pumped by combinations of resonant infra-red lasers with a chopper spinning at a rate on the order of magnitude of the lower lasing level lifetime.
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Christian Vega, Ramesh K. Shori, and Oscar Stafsudd, "Investigation of non-linear energy transfer dynamics of erbium in yttrium aluminum garnet (Conference Presentation)," Proc. SPIE 10896, Solid State Lasers XXVIII: Technology and Devices, 1089608 (Presented at SPIE LASE: February 05, 2019; Published: 13 March 2019);