From Event: SPIE LASE, 2019
Novel ultrafast sources based on fluoride fiber lasers and amplifiers have emerged as a new alternative for the efficient generation of coherent broadband signal in the mid-infrared (> 3 µm). It was shown recently that the amplification of a 2.8-µm ultrafast signal using Er3+: fluoride fiber leads to different output regimes in the mid-infrared (supercontinuum or tunable femtosecond pulses) depending on the input signal properties. Here, we study the underlying mechanisms that affect the amplification and spectral conversion dynamics of ultrashort pulses inside such amplifier through a complete numerical model based on accurate measurements of the amplifier properties. The numerical results, which are in very good agreement with the experiment, show an enhanced output stability due to the attractor properties of the amplifier and the possibility of generating a supercontinuum extending from 2.8 to 4.2 µm with more than 4 W of average power using off-the-shelf fluorozirconate fibers. By designing the appropriate amplifier, tunable and spectrally isolated femtosecond solitons with peak power up to 400 kW around 3.4 µm that can be shifted up to 4 µm could also be achieved. Future perspectives with novel mid-IR laser transitions and different fluoride glass compositions with extended transmission are also discussed.
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Simon Duval, Michel Olivier, Louis-Rafaël Robichaud, Vincent Fortin, Martin Bernier, Michel Piché, and Réal Vallée, "Tailoring mid-infrared ultrafast light with fluoride fiber amplifiers (Conference Presentation)," Proc. SPIE 10897, Fiber Lasers XVI: Technology and Systems, 108970T (Presented at SPIE LASE: February 05, 2019; Published: 13 March 2019);