From Event: SPIE Advanced Lithography, 2019
To support the manufacturing of DRAM semiconductors for next and future nodes, there is a constant need to reduce the overlay fingerprints. In this paper we evaluate algorithms which are capable of decoupling wafer deformation from mark deformation and extrapolation effects. The algorithms enable lithography tools to use only the wafer deformation component in the alignment feedforward correction. Therefore improving the (wafer to wafer) overlay. First results will be shared showing improvement of wafer to wafer variation in high-volume manufacturing environment.
© (2019) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ik-Hyun Jeong, Hyun-Sok Kim, Yeong-Oh Kong, Ji-Hyun Song, Jae-Wuk Ju, Young-Sik Kim, Cees Lambregts, Miao Yu, Rizvi Rahman, Leendertjan Karssemeijer, Elliott McNamara, Paul Böcker, Jong-Cheol Choi, Nang-Lyeom Oh, Kang-San Lee, and Jin-Seo Lee, "Improved wafer alignment model algorithm for better on-product overlay," Proc. SPIE 10961, Optical Microlithography XXXII, 109610A (Presented at SPIE Advanced Lithography: February 26, 2019; Published: 20 March 2019);