From Event: SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation, 2019
This research presents an evaluation of the damage detection capabilities of displacements calculated from strain measurements in beam-like structure. Displacements can provide useful information for the monitoring and assessment of a bridges health and safety. The displacement of a structure is correlated with the curvature of a structure, so any unusual behavior of the structure that alters the curvature will also affect the displacement of the structure. Additionally, monitoring the displacement of a structure is useful for evaluating service limits as excessive displacement are uncomfortable to users and can cause damage to surrounding structures. Direct displacement monitoring of a real-life structure can be challenging, especially for long-term measurements. Because of this, the focus of this research is on in-direct displacement monitoring using strain-based displacement estimation methods with FBG strain sensors. A numerical analysis was initially performed to evaluate the potential of the methods, which illustrated the damage detection capabilities for a strain-based displacement method. Additionally, small-scale laboratory tests were performed using an aluminum beam instrumented with FBG strain sensors. The beam was tested under static and dynamic loading conditions as well as a cantilever and simply supported boundary conditions. Increasing levels of damage were applied to the beam by reducing the cross-section of the beam in one location to represent a crack. Both an evaluation of the method for damage sensitivity and a comparison with additional strain-based damage detection methods are performed.
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Kaitlyn S. Kliewer and Branko Glisic, "Damage detection capabilities of strain-based displacement methods in beam-like structures (Conference Presentation)," Proc. SPIE 10972, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems XIII, 109721H (Presented at SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation: March 07, 2019; Published: 1 April 2019);