From Event: SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, 2019
Sparrow, a low Size, Weight and Power (SWaP), high-end thermal imaging video core is presented, based on XBn- InAsSb Focal Plane Array (FPA) with 640×512 format and 10μm pitch, which is operated at 150K. The Sparrow video core offloads a range of functions from the host system, such as detector power supply, clocking and image processing, resulting in a very compact and low power module equipped with a miniature Split-Linear Stirling cooler. The Sparrow Module is optimized for a wide range of low SWaP applications, with a volume of 58×62×42 mm3, a weight of 300g, and typical power consumption of 5W at room temperature. It provides sub-frame video latency and supports a variety of output video formats and user-configurable advanced image processing algorithms.
© (2019) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
R. Gazit, D. Chen, G. Gershon, A. Karabchevsky, Z. Kiblitski, O. Magen, T. Markovitz , R. Ohayon, O. Rozenberg, K. Rozenshein, N. Syrel, I. Vladovsky, M. Weinstein, I. Shtrichman, and S. Riabzev , "Low SWaP video core for MWIR imaging," Proc. SPIE 11002, Infrared Technology and Applications XLV, 110021W (Presented at SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing: April 18, 2019; Published: 7 May 2019);