From Event: SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, 2019
The advantages of using far-infrared technology in guiding systems, warning systems or surveillance systems have been demonstrated in defense applications through a large span of imaging functions such as detection, target recognition and positive identification in complex environments. Used as a complementary tool in a set of ADAS sensing technologies, far-Infrared thermal camera provides the key sense to improve system performance and increase detection robustness. This enhanced capability relies on the detection of the unique thermal signature of a pedestrian, an animal or any obstacle in any weather and light conditions, day or night, without being glared by the sun or any light source. Implementing ADAS based on far-infrared solution into an autonomous vehicle level 3 and above can reduce the rate of false positive detection. Being an imaging technology, farinfrared camera using ULIS technology can be easily integrated into standard ADAS platform while minimizing computation resources required by detection algorithms thanks to the thermal signature detection.
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E. Bercier, B. Louvat, O. Harant, E. Balit, J. Bouvattier, and L. Nacsa, "Far-infrared thermal camera: an effortless solution for improving ADAS detection robustness," Proc. SPIE 11009, Autonomous Systems: Sensors, Processing, and Security for Vehicles and Infrastructure 2019, 1100907 (Presented at SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing: April 15, 2019; Published: 2 May 2019);