From Event: SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, 2019
A Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) study of 18 loss-of-control events determined that a lack of external visual references was a contributing factor in 17 of these events. CAST recommended that manufacturers should develop and implement virtual day-VMC display systems, such as synthetic vision (SV) or equivalent systems (CAST Safety Enhancement, SE-200). In support of this recommended action, CAST has requested studies to define minimum requirements for virtual day-visual meteorological conditions (VMC) displays to improve flight crew awareness of airplane attitude. NASA’s research in Virtual day-VMC displays, known as synthetic vision systems, are intended to support intuitive flight crew attitude awareness similar to a day-VMC-like environment, especially if they could be designed to create visual dominance. A study was conducted to evaluate the utility of ambient vision (AV) cues paired with virtual Head-Up Display (HUD) symbology on a prototype head-worn display (HWD) during recovery from unusual attitudes in a simulated environment. The virtual-HUD component meets the requirement that the HWD may be used as an equivalent display to the HUD. The presence of AV cueing leverages the potential that a HWD has over the HUD for spatial disorientation prevention. The simulation study was conducted as a single-pilot operation, under realistic flight scenarios, with off-nominal events occurring that were capable of inducing unusual attitudes. Independent variables of the experiment included: 1) AV capability (on vs off) 2) AV display opaqueness (transparent vs opaque) and display location (HWD vs traditional headdown displays); AV cues were only present when the HWD was being worn by the subject pilot.
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Stephanie N. Nicholas, Jarvis (Trey) J. Arthur III, Kathryn Ballard, Renee C. Lake, Kyle E. Ellis, and Lawrence J. Prinzel III, "Evaluation of a head-worn display with ambient vision cues for unusual attitude recovery ," Proc. SPIE 11019, Situation Awareness in Degraded Environments 2019, 110190E (Presented at SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing: April 17, 2019; Published: 1 May 2019);