From Event: SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, 2019
Within oscillation electron model the superconducting crystal A2B3 is considered consisting of two subsystems A2B3=A2+1.5 B2. Free electrons couple to lower system energy. For this purpose it is necessary, that squared electron binding energy in a local phase Φ122 was essentially much less, than one Φ12, Φ22 in an initial phase where Φ122 is squared electron interaction energy in an initial phase, Φ12, Φ22 are squared electron interaction energy in the local again formed phase, Tc is superconducting phase transition temperature, q = Φ2 [Bι2Se3]/ΣΦ2 is interaction parameter. It is necessary to satisfy condition, Φ12 ≥ Φ122, 1.5•Φ22 ≥ Φ122. For component A paired electrons are produced only at T=Tc, for component B paired electrons are formed at T<Tc. The superconducting phase transition is performed with the full formation of paired electrons. Correlated paired electrons are formed below Tc the superconducting phase transition temperature. At T=0 all electrons are dependent on each other – coherent or correlated. In high-temperature superconductors spontaneous division into two phases: superconducting and isolating was revealed. The phase superconducting transition of bismuth selenide is close to 0 K. The equation of the phase transition curve for superconductors is Tc = 40.05687q^2-234.44056q + 191.51842, Tc = 0, q = 0.981522371. Φ2 [Bι2Se3] = 271.821169, Φ2 [Bι] = 194.6025, Φ2 [Se] = 303.177744 eV2. With the introduction of impurities or with high pressure, the crystals of bismuth selenide and telluride go into the superconducting state in accordance with the balance of square plasma energy. The crystals of bismuth selenide and telluride are superconductors at Tc → 0K. It are inhomogeneous systems and are characterized by phase separation below Tc = 195 K.
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Nadezhda P. Netesova, "Oscillation electron model of doped superconducting bismuth selenide and telluride crystals (Conference Presentation)," Proc. SPIE 11025, Metamaterials XII, 110250B (Presented at SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics: April 04, 2019; Published: 13 May 2019);