From Event: SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, 2019
Creating sufficiently strong entanglement between exciton-polaritons is a step of utmost importance towards the exploitation of these systems in quantum information processing with continuous variables. The generation of entanglement relies on the strength of the nonlinearity, which is weak for semiconductor microcavities. Recently, a way to essentially amplify the nonlinearity strength in these systems using two coherent laser fields was suggested, leading in theory to the creation of a fair amount of entanglement between exciton-polaritons in coupled cavities and networks in general. Throughout this process, the Josephson coupling and the enhanced nonlinearity in the two coupled cavities are held constant, with the former always larger. In this work we show that the entanglement generated with the above procedure can be substantially enhanced with the appropriate on-off switching of Josephson coupling between the cavities. Furthermore, we show that if we consider a time-dependent enhanced nonlinearity, through the modulation of the corresponding coherent laser fields, and allow it to attain larger values than the Josephson coupling, then we can generate larger values of entanglement using shortcuts to adiabaticity, a method developed to accelerate quantum adiabatic dynamics. The suggested methodologies are not restricted to exciton-polaritons but are expected to find applications in a wide spectrum of physical contexts, where nonlinear interacting bosons are encountered.
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Dionisis Stefanatos and Emmanuel Paspalakis, "Efficient entanglement generation in exciton-polaritons using quantum control," Proc. SPIE 11027, Quantum Optics and Photon Counting 2019, 110270H (Presented at SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics: April 02, 2019; Published: 30 April 2019);