From Event: SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, 2019
Semiconductor nanowires, especially Si nanowires (SiNWs) have attracted much attention due to its high broadband absorption, high density and extra ordinary surface/volume ratio. Moreover, nanowires are ideal candidates for light detection, large responsivity, a fast response speed, and an excellent detection limit. These opto-physical properties demonstrates their high potential for practical applications in advanced devices such as transistors, photodetectors, lightemitting- diodes, solar cells, bio/chemical sensors, and etc. Graphene on the other hand, exhibits an extremely high charge carrier mobility, a very broad spectral range of detection from ultraviolet to terahertz and quasi wavelength independent absorption, which is a result of its gapless band nature. Compatibility of Graphene with Si or SiNWs makes it a promising candidate for large-scale and cost effective ultrafast photodetection. The growth of high-quality CVD graphene from camphor and its high performance optical device has not been addressed so far. We have presented high performance near infrared photodetectors (NIRPDs) by using camphor as solid source of carbon for developing mono-bi layer Gr/SiNW arrays schottky heterojunction. The nanowire arrays shows excellent optical light trapping properties and on the other hand, graphene act as transparent conductive metal sheet. Hence a combination of graphene over SiNWs serves as an excellent NIR light coupling system. The as-prepared device has also shown remarkable responsivity from μA/W to mA/W at 0 V bias, for Gr/Si and Gr/SiNWs heterojunction, respectively. On the other hand, as prepared device shows excellent responsivity up to 2V bias, which suggests that our approach to make graphene sheet by natural camphor will have a potential application to make self-driven low bias NIRPDs in future optoelectronic devices.
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Harsh A. Chaliyawala, Zeel Purohit, Neha Agarwal, Govind Gupta, Abhijit Ray, and Indrajit Mukhopadhyay, "A solid carbon source based high performance mono/bi layer graphene/SiNWs heterojunction NIR photodetector," Proc. SPIE 11028, Optical Sensors 2019, 1102803 (Presented at SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics: April 01, 2019; Published: 11 April 2019);