From Event: SPIE Optical Metrology, 2019
The murals of the Tang Tomb are important materials for studying the social life of the Tang Dynasty, which have important protection and research value. In order to protect the tomb murals as longer as possible, it is necessary to restore the murals and accurately record the restore location. Nevertheless,the restored murals are difficult to observe directly the restore area through the human eye. This paper proposes a method to reveal the restored areas, by extracting the main components of the Multi-Hyper-spectral image of the mural with the Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) Rotation, and the location of the restored area is clearly observed from the main component. In addition, the mural sketch reflects the main content of the mural of the Tang Tomb murals, which are of great significance to the restoration and protection of the Tang Tomb murals. In this paper, we also proposed a new method to extract the sketch of Tang Tomb mural. For the bands sensitive to the composition of the sketches, the sparsely constrained sparse non-negative matrix under- approximation method is used to decompose the optimal sketches composition, and then the sketches are automatically extracted based on the idea of layer superposition. Through the experiments on the mural paintings in the three tombs, the results demonstrated that the proposed method could effectively perceive the area of mural restoration and automatically extract the sketch accurately and clearly, while saving manpower.
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Qunxi Zhang, Jun Wang, Zhenrong Sun, Jinye Peng, and Haida Liang, "A method for the analysis of spectral imaging data from Tang tomb murals," Proc. SPIE 11058, Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology VII, 110581J (Presented at SPIE Optical Metrology: June 25, 2019; Published: 12 July 2019);