From Event: 17th International Photodynamic Association World Congress, 2019
The burden of cancer predominantly falls on developing countries where there are inadequate healthcare facilities. Traditional cancer treatments are surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy - all of which are expensive to set up and deliver. The WHO suggests 4 linear accelerators are required to meet the needs of 1 million population. In many parts of the world, there may be only a fraction of this number with a consequence that there are long waiting times and the strong possibility that even if a course of radiotherapy is started, it is quite likely that it will be delivered in an optimal time. In practical terms, a delay of 1 month results in a volume doubling (in head and neck cancer for example) and as waiting times are often of the order of 3 - 6 months, volumes can increase dramatically.
Photodymanic therapy provides the opportunity for effective inexpensive treatment. It has been shown to be as good as surgery in early disease and at the very least offers significant palliation of advanced disease. The elements required are a laser and drug and as long as these can be produced at modest cost, treatment could be widely available for surface lesions and with a modest investment in ultrasound, even deeply seated lesions are a treatment target. Adoption of PDT faces many challenges, however the potential in cancer as well as infection is an opportunity to be explored.
© (2019) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Colin Hopper, "Global opportunities for PDT (Conference Presentation)," Proc. SPIE 11070, 17th International Photodynamic Association World Congress, 1107050 (Presented at 17th International Photodynamic Association World Congress: July 03, 2019; Published: 14 August 2019);