From Event: SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, 2019
Following up on recent work involving investigation of polarization states and Fresnel coefficients (FCs) at an
achiral/chiral (ACC) interface, this paper will consider extensions to the case of two interfaces whereby the front end will
be ACC and the back end chiral/achiral (CAC) leading to entirely different optical characteristics. Specifically, the work
examines the FCs for ACC and CAC, and explores the corresponding changes in the polarization states of the reflected
and transmitted light-waves. Additionally, the paper tracks the nature of the transmission through the chiral slab and the
emerging fields corresponding to linear as well as arbitrary input polarizations. Keeping in mind that left- and right-circular
modes are characteristic of propagation in a chiral material, amplitude and power reflection and transmission
characteristics are also examined for the device.
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Rajab Y. Ataai and Monish R. Chatterjee, "Polarization, reflection, and transmission states of plane electromagnetic propagation through a reciprocal chiral slab," Proc. SPIE 11099, Light in Nature VII, 1109909 (Presented at SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications: August 13, 2019; Published: 30 August 2019);