From Event: SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, 2019
Laser remote sensing represents a powerful tool that enables the accurate measurement of the speed of moving targets. Crucially, most sensing techniques are 2-Dimensional in nature and do not enable direct determination of the full velocity vector of objects moving in 3D. A disadvantage that is very often compensated with two-dimensional techniques that in many cases are hard to implement and in others, require complicated postprocessing analysis. Here we demonstrate a novel technique that enables the direct and simultaneous measurement of both velocity components using a single interrogating beam. This technique is based on the use of complex light beams, whose polarization and spatial degree of freedom are coupled in a non-separable way. We present experimental results of a proof-of-principle experiment by applying our technique to the specific case of helical motion, of great relevance in a wide of research areas.
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Xiao-Bo Hu, Bo Zhao, Zhi-Han Zhu, Wei Gao, and Carmelo Rosales-Guzmán, "Simultaneous determination of 3-dimensional velocity components using a single vector beam," Proc. SPIE 11132, Polarization Science and Remote Sensing IX, 1113204 (Presented at SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications: August 14, 2019; Published: 6 September 2019);