From Event: International Optical Design Conference - IODC 2021, 2021
An off-axis Schmidt telescope based remote imaging system is under development for in-situ viewing of high-energy proton beam distribution at the Spallation Neutron Source. The optical architecture, design parameters and challenges of this design will be discussed.
© (19 November 2021) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Abdurahim Rakhman, Dave Willis, Dave Aikens, Joaquin Mason, Willem Blokland, Nick Evans, Neal Gerber, and Melissa Harvey, "Off-axis, reflective Schmidt telescope design for proton beam imaging system," Proc. SPIE 12078, International Optical Design Conference 2021, 120781K (Presented at International Optical Design Conference - IODC 2021: 19 November 2021; Published: 19 November 2021);