From Event: SPIE Quantum West, 2023
Quantum and optical technologies are emerging as two major research frontiers that could potentially revolutionize computing, communication, and sensing for modern science and engineering. One common foundation for many emerging quantum and optical technologies are the hermiticity of the underlying Hamiltonians, which govern the phases and dynamics of the physical systems. In recent years, significant theoretical and experimental progress has been made to explore symmetry (e.g., parity-time (PT)) protected non-Hermitian physics, which showcases unique properties such as exceptional points, anomalous topological states, etc. Here we showcase two applications enabled by PT-symmetry non-Hermitian dynamics in both classical and quantum optical regions: 1) topological edge mode lasing protected by a non-Hermitian bulk in the synthetic space; 2) quantum squeezing and sensing using cold atoms with anti-PT symmetry.
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Chuanwei Zhang, Qing Gu, and Shengwang Du, "Topological lasing and quantum sensing with non-Hermitian symmetry," Proc. SPIE 12447, Quantum Sensing, Imaging, and Precision Metrology, 1244710 (Presented at SPIE Quantum West: January 31, 2023; Published: 8 March 2023);