From Event: SPIE AR | VR | MR, 2023
HIDO is a new technology that is being developed with the aim of providing mixed reality smartglasses with a wide FOV (60x45 degrees) and an elegant form factor. HIDO, Holographic Integrated Display and Optics, uses a radically different approach from other technologies. The Display and the Optics are all integrated in the lens of the smartglasses. We will present how this provides considerable advantages for the future of mixed reality and what is the status and next steps of the current developments of LusoVU in this technology.
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ivo Vieira, "HIDO: Holographic Integrated Display and Optics for elegant and wide FOV XR glasses," Proc. SPIE 12450, SPIE AR, VR, MR Industry Talks 2023, 1245007 (Presented at SPIE AR | VR | MR: January 31, 2023; Published: 14 March 2023);