From Event: SPIE BiOS, 2023
Here we propose a novel method to automatically delineate and quantify DEJ zone morphometrics in human skin on a three dimensional (3D) basis in vivo. Quantitative characterization of the DEJ in terms of 3D interdigitation (I), arithmetic mean roughness (Sa), and root mean square roughness (Sq) were calculated. These DEJ features as a function of age were analyzed. The results show age-dependent morphological differences.
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Giselle Tian, Zhenguo Wu, Harvey Lui, Jianhua Zhao, Sunil Kalia, and Haishan Zeng, "In vivo human skin dermal–epidermal junction zone delineation by volumetric multiphoton microscopy imaging," Proc. SPIE PC12352, Photonics in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery 2023, PC123520P (Presented at SPIE BiOS: January 29, 2023; Published: 17 March 2023);