From Event: SPIE LASE, 2023
In this work we compared the laser damage threshold of ZGP, CSP, GaAs, GaP, OP-GaAs, and OP-GaP under identical conditions. ZGP, CSP, GaAs, and GaP samples measuring 4x5x12 mm3 were fabricated from bulk, melt-grown single crystals. Orientation-patterned GaAs and GaP grown by HVPE on MBE templates were fabricated with dimensions of 2x6x12 mm3. All samples were ground and double-side polished together on the same polishing achieve identical surface finish, then demounting, cleaned, and anti-reflection coated together (AR @ 2 and 3-5 microns) followed by laser damage testing with typical 2-micron laser parameters of 25 kHz, 75 ns, 30-micron spot.
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Peter G. Schunemann, Kevin T. Zawilski, Thomas Lobay, Bryan Porth, and Michael D. Thomas, "Laser damage threshold study of ZGP, CSP, GaAs, and GaP," Proc. SPIE PC12405, Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials and Devices XXII, PC124050G (Presented at SPIE LASE: January 31, 2023; Published: 17 March 2023);