From Event: SPIE LASE, 2023
Space-time wave packets can travel in linear media invariantly, even in presence of chromatic dispersion. I review the current status of theoretical and experimental work on this ‘dispersion cancellation’ phenomenon, which is made possible by endowing the optical field with non-differentiable angular dispersion. Consequently, space-time wave packets can travel with no pulse broadening in dispersive media independently of the magnitude, sign, or order of the dispersion. These results may have useful consequences in phase-matching of nonlinear optical effects.
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Ayman F. Abouraddy, "Dispersion cancellation using space-time wave packets," Proc. SPIE PC12405, Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials and Devices XXII, PC124050O (Presented at SPIE LASE: February 01, 2023; Published: 17 March 2023);