From Event: SPIE LASE, 2023
Periodic arrangements of micro- and nano-holes with controllable period, diameter and depth at the surface of materials are of high interest for a large range of applications. Here we present a laser-based approach using micro-Bessel beams with adjustable length to machine arrays of holes with subwavelength diameters and depths reaching several micrometers at the surface of fused silica. Suitability and limitations of the technique are investigated, including the challenge of avoiding crosstalk effects. The performance level shows the potential of the direct-laser-processing method towards the realization of integrated devices, as a flexible and cost-effective alternative technique to current multistep nanofabrication methods.
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Nicolas Sanner, Xin Liu, Srijoyee Datta, Raphaël Clady, and Olivier Utéza, "Single-step laser-fabrication of arrays of deep holes of submicrometer diameter on dielectrics surface," Proc. SPIE PC12410, Nanoscale and Quantum Materials: From Synthesis and Laser Processing to Applications 2023, PC1241002 (Presented at SPIE LASE: January 28, 2023; Published: 17 March 2023);