From Event: SPIE Quantum West, 2023
Iterative schemes have a great potential for efficient production of complex quantum states of light. This concept refers to generation protocols working on a set of quantum states, starting from basic resources as single-photon states, and building the target in several steps through the implementation of simple quantum operations on the intermediate states. This constitutes a quantum algorithm and requires a basic quantum processor. In this talk we will discuss all-optical architectures for that purpose, based on optical cavities and fast optical switches coupled to a fast-rate single photon source.
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Viviane Cotte, Hector Simon, Benjamin Pointard, and Rosa Tualle-Brouri, "An all-optical quantum processor for iterative generation of quantum states," Proc. SPIE PC12446, Quantum Computing, Communication, and Simulation III, PC124460I (Presented at SPIE Quantum West: January 31, 2023; Published: 9 March 2023);