13 March 2024 Zebrafish tail regeneration: a new model for assessing photobiomodulation
Afnan Sedky Adly, Ivan Panayotov, Jean-Christophe Egea, Aya Sedky Adly, Frédéric J. G. Cuisinier, Eve Malthiery
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Recently, attention of many scientists has been focused on the assessment of photobiomodulation to increase wound healing in various cells and animal models. Zebrafish have important and unique features that can make them one of the most informative models used for investigation of regenerative mechanisms. One of these features is their interesting capability to regenerate an amputated fin. The zebrafish model have become increasingly important in scientific research as its characteristics allow for being the smart model of investigation of many human injuries. Twenty juvenile zebrafish had caudal fin was amputated under anesthesia. The zebrafish were randomly and equally divided into two groups including negative control group in which the caudal fin was monitored until fully regenerated, and the intervention group in which the amputated fin was irradiated with laser This study showed that our experimental conditions of laser irradiation had benefits and can be considered as regenerative stimulator for the amputated zebrafish caudal fin. and was significantly different when compared with the control group.
Conference Presentation
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Afnan Sedky Adly, Ivan Panayotov, Jean-Christophe Egea, Aya Sedky Adly, Frédéric J. G. Cuisinier, and Eve Malthiery "Zebrafish tail regeneration: a new model for assessing photobiomodulation", Proc. SPIE PC12826, Mechanisms of Photobiomodulation Therapy XVIII, PC1282606 (13 March 2024);
Animal model studies


Laser irradiation


Acquisition tracking and pointing


Mode conditioning cables


Microfluidic system for in-vitro hypoxia assays
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Mechanisms of low level light therapy
Proceedings of SPIE (February 10 2006)
Cellular mechanisms of low-power laser therapy
Proceedings of SPIE (September 22 2003)
Mechanisms of low-power laser light action on cellular level
Proceedings of SPIE (November 03 2000)

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