14 September 1977 Image Converter Camera Optical Measurements In Laser Fusion Research
Tom Leonard, George Charatis, Mark Gredell, Jean Ash
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Proceedings Volume 0097, 12th Intl Congress on High Speed Photography; (1977)
Event: 12th International Congress on High Speed Photography, 1976, Toronto, Canada
High speed optical measurements in the picosecond regime play a crucial role in any laser .fusion program. At KMS Fusion,image converter streak cameras have been used to study a high power neodymium glass laser system and to observe target response to the laser pulse. Experimental techniques and results ©I several studies will be discussed. A "pulse stacker" produced the desired pulse shape in 30 psec steps. These stacked trains were monitored at various points along the laser system. Perturbations of the pulse train as it propagates through the laser are most evident at the final output where examples of pulse splitting and breakup, which occur in extreme situations, will be shown. Target diagnostic studies include incident and nonabsorbed laser energy pulse shape and blast-wave photographs to determine absorbed energy.
© (1977) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Tom Leonard, George Charatis, Mark Gredell, and Jean Ash "Image Converter Camera Optical Measurements In Laser Fusion Research", Proc. SPIE 0097, 12th Intl Congress on High Speed Photography, (14 September 1977);
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Pulsed laser operation


Fusion energy

Image fusion

Laser welding

Streak cameras

Laser systems engineering


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