20 August 1979 Staring Infrared Focal Planes For Smart Sensors
Raymond Balcerak, Robert E. Flannery
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Proceedings Volume 0178, Smart Sensors; (1979)
Event: Technical Symposium East, 1979, Washington, D.C., United States
This paper discusses the two-dimensional infrared focal plane and signal-processing technology that will make thermoelectrically cooled staring arrays available for smart-sensor applications. Infrared detector materials being considered are mercury-cadmium telluride and indium arsenide-antimonide. The operation of these materials at elevated temperatures (195 K) and the interface with the focal-plane processor are described. The detector must have high zero-bias resistance and low noise when reverse biased in order to achieve a high signal-to-noise ratio and efficient processor interfacing. The focal-plane processor must accommodate both the saturation current from an elevated-temperature detector and the large background current associated with along integrationtime. Focal-plane component uniformity is critical to the full real-ization of the sensitivity advantage afforded by staring sensors. Low-power compensation electronics are required to equalize any residual nonuniformities in both gain and offset. The status of the technology in each of these areas and current programs to address the significant problems are examined.
© (1979) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Raymond Balcerak and Robert E. Flannery "Staring Infrared Focal Planes For Smart Sensors", Proc. SPIE 0178, Smart Sensors, (20 August 1979); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Signal processing

Charge-coupled devices

Infrared radiation

Infrared sensors


Smart sensors


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