11 December 1984 A New Generation Advanced I.R. Linescan Sensor System
D. B. Duke, G. B. McQueen, P. V. Adams
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Effective enetrative low altitude tactical reconnaissance requires small, high. performance sensors backed up by flexible processing. Such systems require high quality information over a field of view wide enough to ensure that all targets are observed in order to justify mission risk. They should impose little or no penalty on aircraft performance or weapon, carrying capability and they must be supported by airborne and ground communication and processing systems to ensure rapid access to the information gained. An advanced Ili Linescan Sensor which satisfies these criteria in high speed, low level flight, currently under development at British. Aerospace, will be described. Features of the electro-optical and electronics systems will be discussed and the effects of scan geometry on imagery will be considered. Examples of imagery taken during flight trials with development models will be used to illustrate some of these effects. The essential features of an airborne image management, recording and display system using this Linescan Sensor, will be described. Information display formats and associated viewing ti es for real-time or near real-time infra-red imagery display will be analysed. Finally, the requirements for an associated airborne data link will be established.
© (1984) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
D. B. Duke, G. B. McQueen, and P. V. Adams "A New Generation Advanced I.R. Linescan Sensor System", Proc. SPIE 0496, Airborne Reconnaissance VIII, (11 December 1984);
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Line scan image sensors



Control systems

Airborne reconnaissance


Resonant scanning mechanism
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AMIDARS Flight Performance
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