14 February 1986 Camera Lenses For Space Satellites
E. K. Murthy, M. S . Bageshwar, P. K. Goel
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Proceedings Volume 0554, 1985 International Lens Design Conference; (1986)
Event: 1985 International Lens Design Conference, 1985, Cherry Hill, United States
In this article a systematic attempt has been made to design diffraction limited space camera lenses with minimum number of elements. In this attempt, instead of starting from complicated n-element/component configuration, simple air-spaced 'Cooke triplet' is choosen as starting system and is then expanded to its derivatives, using the concept of fictitious glass constants, until optimized construction with desired specifications is achieved. It has been found that air-spaced pentac, with alternate positive and negative elements in it opened up a new region with low powers, promising the corresponding optimized pentac and its derivatives to cover wide specifications. Also, it has been proved that simultaneous doubling of the focal length of the optimized pentac , sextuplet and half reduction in the spectral-band width coverage have practically no effect on image quality. Thus in camera lenses for each resources survey, pentac and sextuplet con-figurations are optimized for low,medium and high resolution on the same lines Sky-lab lens design was worked out to cover various bands by changing air spaces in the basic design.
© (1986) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
E. K. Murthy, M. S . Bageshwar, and P. K. Goel "Camera Lenses For Space Satellites", Proc. SPIE 0554, 1985 International Lens Design Conference, (14 February 1986); Logo
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