10 September 1987 Characterization Of Thin-Film Adhesion With The Scanning Acoustic Microscope
R. C. Addison Jr., M. Somekh, J. M. Rowe, G. A . D. Briggs
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Proceedings Volume 0768, Pattern Recognition and Acoustical Imaging; (1987)
Event: International Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Acoustical Imaging, 1987, Newport Beach, CA, United States
Films and coatings are integral elements of devices used for a variety of purposes in engineering, electronic, optical and other applications. The performance, functional characteristics, and structural properties of the devices all depend on the adhesion between the film and substrate. Adhesion measurement techniques that are currently available are not comparable from one laboratory to another, nor are there any techniques that are noncontacting, quantitative and reliable. In our work, surface acoustic waves (SAWs) are used to introduce stresses between the films and their substrates. Regions of the film having weak bonding forces will produce a different response than the regions having strong bonding forces. The response is measured as a change in the velocity of the waves. The waves are excited on the substrate with a high numerical aperture cylindrical lens. The V(z) response of the film system is then obtained and processed to extract the SAW velocity. The results of these measurements on a film system with known regions of strong and weak adhesion will be presented. These measurements will be compared to simulations of the change in surface wave velocity as the bond stiffness be the film and substrate is changed.
© (1987) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
R. C. Addison Jr., M. Somekh, J. M. Rowe, and G. A . D. Briggs "Characterization Of Thin-Film Adhesion With The Scanning Acoustic Microscope", Proc. SPIE 0768, Pattern Recognition and Acoustical Imaging, (10 September 1987); Logo
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