30 June 1987 Aqueous Base Developed, Single Level Resist For Submicron X-Ray Lithography
Elizabeth Tai, Bernard Fay, Cynthia M. Stein, Wayne E. Feely
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The x-ray lithographic performance of a new, experimental negative acting, single level resist has been investigated. Unlike other negative x-ray resists, which are solvent developed, the new resist is developed with aqueous base. This results in very low image swelling and allows high resolution, high aspect ratio, negative resist images to be obtained with a conventional palladium anode x-ray source of wavelength 4.37 A. The x-ray sensitivity of the resist to Pd x-rays is about 40 mJ/cm2, sufficient to allow a throughput of 5 to 10 wafer levels per hour , when used in conjunction with an x-ray stepper powered by a conventional, fixed anode, 6kW x-ray source. Using this production oriented x-ray stepper and suitable x-ray masks, submicron resolution is demonstrated in single level resist layers of 1 to 2 pm thickness over various substrates and topographies. Dry etch resistance under Si, poly Si and Al etching conditions is evaluated. Thermal stability and DUV hardening characteristics are also investigated. The speed and excellent processing characteristics of the resist make it very attractive for hybrid x-ray/optical lithography applications, using conventional x-ray lithography systems.
© (1987) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Elizabeth Tai, Bernard Fay, Cynthia M. Stein, and Wayne E. Feely "Aqueous Base Developed, Single Level Resist For Submicron X-Ray Lithography", Proc. SPIE 0773, Electron-Beam, X-Ray, and Ion-Beam Lithographies VI, (30 June 1987);
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X-ray lithography


Dry etching


Deep ultraviolet


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