10 March 1988 Development Of Multichannel Glass Couplers For Input Into Multichannel LiNnbO3 Modulator Arrays
H. L. Cox Jr., S. D. O'Connor, P. R. Ashley, R. L. Morgan
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Proceedings Volume 0835, Integrated Optical Circuit Engineering V; (1988)
Event: Cambridge Symposium on Fiber Optics and Integrated Optoelectronics, 1987, Cambridge, MA, United States
Our investigation shows that tapered glass optical waveguides provide the best coupling device for introducting and directing radiation from a semiconductor laser source (e.g., GaAs) into a multichannel Ti:LiNb03 optical, array-modulator. Several fabrication methods were considered including R. FTSputter depositing Corning 7059 glass on Corning 2947 microscope slides which were used as substrates. The second method studied previously involved reactive sputtering Nb metal in an 02 atmosphere to produce Nb205 waveguides. A third method was also chosen for this investigation which involved indiffusing silver ions into Corning 2947 slides at temperatures between 270°C and 300°C and with the assistance of applied electric fields ranging from 3 to 200 V/mm. Waveguides with excellent taper geometry had been produced by R.F-Sputtering Corning 7059 glass. However, better optical properties were found in the indiffused silver guides and control of the effective waveguide depth in these guides indicated that tapered waveguides could also be formed. WKB analysis of these graded index guides showed that the most likely refractive index profile was Gaussian in shape. At 632.8 nm losses were found to be around 1dB/cm however, at shorter wavelengths losses were found to increase. A luminescent emission consisting of red and near IR wavelengths is produced normal to the waveguide surface when guided wave modes are excited at 488 and 514.5 nm. This red and near IR emission consists of a series of bands that are produced by a series of spectral shifts ranging from 3190 to 6475 cm 1 from the 488 and 514.5 nm laser excitation lines. It is proposed that this absorption of the excitation radiative and subsequent re-emission is due to the presence of silver aggragates in the waveguide layer.
© (1988) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
H. L. Cox Jr., S. D. O'Connor, P. R. Ashley, and R. L. Morgan "Development Of Multichannel Glass Couplers For Input Into Multichannel LiNnbO3 Modulator Arrays", Proc. SPIE 0835, Integrated Optical Circuit Engineering V, (10 March 1988);
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Sputter deposition


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